
How to Grow Grass on a Budget - Fast and Easy

This is 1 option to have a great looking lawn, without spending a lot of money. The soil in my yard is terrible, not topsoil - all sand. So to get a good lawn i would need to water twice per day, which i don't want to do. Luckily i found a nearby farm that was selling annual rye grass seed - $10 for a 50 pound bag. So for just $30 i was able to spread tons of seed over my existing lawn. The rye seed should put down deep roots in the fall and spring. It won't last during the hot summer months, but for $20 i can just spread more seed the next fall. So if you have a big yard and don't want to spend $50 or more for expensive perennial grass seed, this cheap annual rye grass seed might be a good option.



Car Stalling - P0010 Error Code




My 2016 Chevy Equinox has been great for 100,000 miles. Then one day it stalled at a traffic light. I was able to start the car and drive fine. A few days later it happened again, The P0011 fault code - VVT Valve Kit

Align Bow Peep Sight



I've always had a peep sight that was never perfectly aligned.  But it was close enough, so i would just mess with the string, or twist the d-loop.  Then i learned about peep aligners or peep tuners.  Basically a spacer.

Clothes Dryer Running, but Clothes Still Wet?



We were having issues with our dryer - our clothes were coming out hot, but damp.  Even after 2 or 3 cycles through the dryer.  The dryer itself seemed to be working fine.  So the issue was with lack of airflow to the outside of the house, through the vent.