Align Bow Peep Sight
I've always had a peep sight that was never perfectly aligned. But it was close enough, so i would just mess with the string, or twist the d-loop. Then i learned about peep aligners or peep tuners. Basically a spacer.
Clothes Dryer Running, but Clothes Still Wet?
We were having issues with our dryer - our clothes were coming out hot, but damp. Even after 2 or 3 cycles through the dryer. The dryer itself seemed to be working fine. So the issue was with lack of airflow to the outside of the house, through the vent.
How to Remove Attic Mold
If you find mold or black mold in your attic, you don't need to pay thousands of dollars to hire a company to remove it. For around $100 you can do it yourself. This video shows you why mold occurs and how to remove the mold.
Sanlida Dragon 10 Bow
If you are looking for a flagship bow, but don't want to spend over a thousand dollars, the Dragon 10 is a great option. You can buy it on Amazon. Great for someone ready to upgrade from an entry level bow.
Frost in the Freezer
If you find frost in your refrigerator freezer, the most common cause is air leaking in. That warm air leaks in through the door gasket or seal, condenses, then turns into frost. Here's how to diagnose the reason why frost is occurring, how to fix it.
Fix a Stuck Brake Rotor
Lots of other video's show how to remove a brake rotor that is lightly stuck on. Well here in the midwest - we have some rust. So you need to do a lot more than just tap the rotor. This is what needs to be done to remove a rusted on / stuck brake rotor.
Fix a Leaky Toilet
We had a toilet that was constantly running and stopping. We could hear water trickling into the tank on and off throughout the night. The fix cost $5.00 and took less than 5 minutes. The issue is a leaky toilet flapper.
Get Rid of Driveway Ants
I've always had problems with ant hills in the cracks of my driveway. In the past i would spray them with commercial ant killer. It worked ok, but the ants usually came back within a week - and the spray cost around $20.
Furnace Humidifier - Replace & Install
Our furnace humidifier filter got so coated with calcium buildup and the weight caused it to tear the whole unit off the side of the furnace. (my fault for not checking and changing the filter) So i had to replace the unit, but i was able to reuse the transformer, wiring, humidistat, and plumbing. So basically just replacing the housing unit that holds the filter and solenoid.
I originally went to Home Depot and bought the only brand they had, Honeywell. But quickly realized it wouldn't fit in the opening and the water solenoid was on the opposite side - meaning i would have to reroute the pipe. So i returned it and bought the same model that broke.
The original model was the GeneralAire 1099. The replacement model is the General Aire 1042 LH. (i think it stands for Legacy Housing?) The new version was perfect. Everything was in the same place and all the holes lined up. It was only about a 1 hour fix and has worked perfectly ever since.
Clean AC Central Air - Air Conditioning // Does it work?
We noticed that our air conditioning / central air units were running constantly in the summer. So i decided to see how much of a difference cleaning the coils/radiator would make.
I checked the temperatures coming out of the vents before and after cleaning, and i was surprised how much of a difference it made.
Furnace Making Noise | High Pitch Squeal Screech | Fix Furnace Inducer Motor
One day my furnace didn't turn on. Previously i heard a squealing or screeching coming from the inducer motor. After oiling it, it started working again. This time the motor was seized and was making a buzzing noise. I was able to oil it again and get it to work temporarily.
This gave me time to order a new inducer motor and fan. Replacing the part was pretty easy, only taking a few minutes. After install i used aluminum tape to make sure that no air was leaking and have a carbon monoxide detector close to make sure we are safe.
How to Change the Oil - Small Engine - Go Kart - Mini Bike
After buying my son a small go kart, the previous owner suggested i change the oil. After seeing the color of the oil that drained out, i'm glad i did. Not sure if it was ever changed, or that's just how bad the oil looks from these small 50cc or 80cc engines. The process isn't that hard, most of the time is spent getting the tools and cleaning up.
Basically you just want to tip the engine back, to allow for complete drainage. Remove the oil plug to drain the oil. Replace the plug then put in 12oz of oil back in. Make sure to check your owners manual for how much oil your engine needs. But with these types of engines, as long as it's level, you cannot put in too much oil, it spills out when it's full.
This was a Monster Moto 80cc engine for a go kart. But this same method works for any small 4 cycle 2 stroke engine. 50cc, 80cc, 110cc, etc.
Custom Guess Who Game
I wanted to make my own family Guess Who game. I could have just printed the pictures and replaced the tiles on the plastic version, but i wanted to build one from scratch. It took longer than i thought it would.
How to Make a Wood Paddle Board Paddle
This paddle board paddle was a project i started several years ago, and just sat in the corner of the shop. So finally i decided to finish it. It's not perfect, it's homemade. And i'm happy with that.
Don't Throw Away Those Old Cookie Sheet Pans
4 Years Later - Whole House Water Filters Update
This video is going over the whole house water filter system i installed 4 years ago. Pointing out the good and the bad - what worked and what i would change. Using PEX pipe worked great.

Gutter Guards Review
Two years ago i bought Easy-On Gutter Guards from Costco for $2 per foot. This is my review and opinion of how they've worked. They have held up great. Zero damage, zero clogs, and for 90% of the gutters - they are working perfectly.
How to Replace Roof Shingles
After a windy storm, i found some torn off shingles laying in my yard. In this video i show 2 types of fixes. The first is to replace the entire 3-tab shingle, removing 7 nails. The second is just 1.
Keyless Door Lock Deadbolt Install
Step-by-step guide to remove your old deadbolt door lock, and install a new keyless keypad lock. It was fairly easy to install, but programming the code took a few tries. Overall we are happy with the new lock and how well it works.
Best Mole Trap to Buy - Compare Top 3
Review of the most popular mole traps to buy online. I have moles in my yard and have determined that the large mechanical trap is the best. It's easy to set and works the best. Although it is the most expensive. The battery powered ultrasonic deterrents don't really do anything. The small mechanical traps don't work. They are had to set and don't snap shut when a mole passes underneath.
None of the metal traps have rusted, they are galvanized steel. My soil is very sandy, so if you have hard clay, it might require some hand digging before setting the trap. Though it's already carved out by the mole. When the mole is caught the trap will pop up and you can easily tell from a distance. No Digging Required: Traps can be set safely and quickly with just the action of stepping on them. Chemical Free and Safe to Use: No poisons or chemical bait and reusable. Get rid of moles fast and efficiently with FPS Mole Traps. Powerful spring trap eliminates moles.
Water Softener Resin Replacement
Install Air Injection Iron Filter | For Well Water With Rust
We have rusty well water. In the past i've used small cartridge filters to remove that rust, but they needed to be changed every month. So i decided to install an Air Iron Filter.
The install process wasn't too bad (even though i screwed up once with the PEX pipe), the whole process can be done in under 2 hours.

Sanlida Dragon X9 Bow Review
This is a review of the Sanlida Dragon X9 bow. It's an entry level to mid level bow that's available on Amazon. The good features are the: price, adjustability, upgradability. The bad features are the: cheaper accessories, arrow fletching.